A wise man once said something along the lines of "if you can count all your real friends on one hand, you'd truly be a rich man." Well, not to sound conceited, but I know I can. In all honesty, I think you'd be wealthy if you can count it on one finger.
You see, true friends are rare. Sure, we all have lots of friends. Friends we occasionally talk to, friends we spend time playing around with, friends we complain to and friends we cry to. And yes, that last sentence was filled with segments that ended in prepositional phrases, but I don't care. Because I know that a true friend would never care. Dr. Seuss said, "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." And that could not be more accurate.
True friends are people you can talk to about anything, and you can do anything around them, with absolutely no fear of what they're going to think. You can sit up and have extensive conversations about things that would be inappropriate to talk to anyone else about. Tell them things you wouldn't tell other people. They encourage you to be you, and inspire you to be a better person.
Yes, true friends are the most valuable treasure of all, worth all the stars in the sky. And again, I hate to sound ostentatious, but I am as affluent as then come. Of course, I wish I could be so privileged to be as close with all my friends, but it's just not possible. And I'm lucky for what I have. If you read this, and you feel a little tingle inside, you know who you are, and I love you.
On a side note, do you ever notice something hit the ground and you have no earthly idea from where the heck it came? I was just sitting in my chair, and heard a sound, and looked over and there was a little black thing, of unknown origin, on the ground. Oops.