Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I really haven't had much in the way of deep kinds of thoughts lately. At least not deep thoughts that anyone would really care to read about. Then again, not like most of what I do write about it really of any particular importance to anyone anyway. Regardless, I think school equals a perpetual state of feeling like busy-ness. I always feel like there's so much to do, and if I don't feel like that, I feel like I'm probably forgetting something that I should be doing. And usually, that's actually the case.

But who cares. Why should it stress me out? Does it really matter at all in the long run? There's no sense in making a big deal out of any of it. Relaxing and enjoying life is what's most important.

On that note, flag football playoff game tonight. Totally going to lose because we haven't played in 3 weeks, and we'll only have 4 people there, and I don't think any of us are in good enough shape to play a whole game all the way through. And plus, I'll be honest, we kind of suck. Looks like it's time for Big Nasty to have a breakout game and destroy everyone. Then move on to study mode to destroy another stupid polymers exam.

Wish me luck, yo.


At 11:34 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

luck, yo!


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