Conspiracy! is an online poker site. After a recent discussion, I've come to a mind boggling ly shocking conclusion. Poker sites are primarily aimed towards systematically destroying families. They drive men away from their wives and children to seclude themselves in their computer rooms and accrue massive debts. Thus increasing the divorce rate immeasurably.
But recently, has made a new endorsement deal. Now, every card is an advertisement for Trojan condoms. To encourage the usage of condoms is to discourage the reproduction of offspring. Therefore, is not only trying to destroy the families that already exist, they're actually trying to prevent future families from ever being created!
There is, of course, only one logical conclusion for these observations. That's right, is actually being run by evil aliens set out to decimate the human race. There really is no other possibility. I think it's time that we exploit the website for what it is, and who is behind it, and nuke the hell out of the headquarters. That is, unless the evil aliens are actually giant cockroaches, such as in Men in Black, because in that case we'll be utterly screwed. Hopefully they're more like the aliens from Mars Attacks or something along those lines. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Perhaps we should employ a mole to do undercover research before the exploitation. George W. Bush... the world is in your hands, get moving!
Anyway, by the way, I'd like to point out that I'm a piece of shit and an awful friend - I really am sincerely sorry for anyone who may have been affected by my shittiness.