Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ok, so maybe not immediate, but soon enough.

Hey blog, long time no see. I almost forgot you existed there for a little while. Don't let it hurt your feelings though. I mean, I still love you, I've just been incredibly distracted over the past 2 or so months with school and whatnot. I've thought about you from time to time, but things are rough, you know? I hope you understand and we can move past this. I don't want there to be any awkwardness between us.

On that note... school certainly is a pain in the arse. And I'm not even a very good student. Although, maybe it wouldn't be such a pain if I were more diligent, and didn't put all the pressure on myself, and allowed the professors to do their jobs and actually teach me. I am paying them to do that, after all. Well... someone's paying them to teach me, or a collective someone. But that doesn't make me want a break from it any less.

Anyway, I still am busy having to study and whatnot, so I'll have to talk to you later. I can't help but feel like this is something of a one-sided relationship, if I'm not the one talking, nothing happens. But I'll put forth the effort, because hey, you're worth it.

By the way, donate to relay for life, and take a bite out of cancer!
Donate to me!


At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nathaniel,

It's alright. I guess. At least you acknowledged you were ignoring me - maybe there's some hope for us after all.

Nice to hear from you. Kisses!

-Your Blog


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