I have got to be the shittiest son ever. How can I sit there and spend 3 straight hours on my cell phone, dailing every 10 seconds to try to get football tickets, then finally succeed and make my parents really happy and excited, and then completely forget to pick the tickets up the next day? Not only is that $70 down the drain, but I got their hopes up and crushed them in a matter of 20 hours. And of course, this is after being a dumbass and getting into an accident with a giant Pepsi truck and then getting a ticket, which of course is the reason for them spending 4 hours out of one of their days to come to Gainesville.
I should probably drop out of school, get a few girls pregnant and then ask my parents to help with child support. Maybe curse at them and spit in their faces while I'm at it.
No. I know I'm overreacting, but sometimes you just feel defeated, like everything seems to backfire in your face and nothing works out very well.
But alas, tomorrow we're going to kick the living crap out of Southern Mississippi and all will be well... because football season has returned and it will be glorious.
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