Simply incredible.

Mr. McCoole once said, "Rocks are gneiss, so don't take that schist for granite." Okay, so maybe I added schist in there, but he said something along those lines. The irony is that I don't exactly remember what the line was, because at the time, I took the statement for granted. An event that happens astoundingly frequently. The world is filled with so many incredible little intricacies that are beyond belief. The mere fact that we exist, that we can see, hear, smell, touch, and taste - remarkable. I could go on and on with all the things that pretty much no one ever thinks about, that makes life what it is, and we couldn't possibly imagine a world without them.
It's impossible to really truly be thankful and grateful for every single phenomenon in the universe. We don't even know everything there is to be thankful for in the first place. But regardless, I think it's important to sometimes take a step back and think. Think of all the amazing sights you see everyday - the vast blue skies, the beautiful sunsets, the pretty flowers, the sound of rain trickling down, the look of pure happiness on a babies face when it sees its mother. Sit back and be thankful for all of it.
Furthermore, I've realized that among the most prominent things I take for granted - and undoubtedly the majority of everyone else, as well - are other people. The most obvious of which would be my parents. To think of everything they've done for me is baffling. They brought me into this world, they raised me to be the person I am, and they've thoroughly supported me in every way imagineable throughout all of it. If I thanked them every time I saw them for the rest of my life, it still would fall short of giving them the thanks they truly deserve.
But I don't. I don't thank them when I see them, and sadly, I don't even tell them I love them most of the time. Maybe that's because it's just never been customary in my family, but should that really be an excuse? Although, it should be noted that when someone says "I love you," to everyone, everytime they see them, it really takes away from the meaning and impact of the statement. It should be used with discretion. But I almost never say it, and I hope they know I do.
It extends further than my parents though. It's easy to take others for granted as well. I take my brother for granted all too often. If it weren't for him, I'd be a totally different person. He's helped and guided me so much over the years. And so many friends as well. Friends can really be a godsend. They can put so much effort and devotion into being there for you and supporting you. But a lot of times you don't really think about how privileged you are to have them.
I think it's important to recognize how grateful you are for everyone and everything in your life. Make sure they know how important they are to you. I know it's easy to feel underappreciated, so I want to make sure that everyone in my life who reads this now know how I feel. You guys make life worth living.
Good entry. Thanks for writing that.
*mellow touchy-feely music plays in the background*
But really, thanks.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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